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Discover the Americano coffee.

Stars, stripes and Espresso.

Created during World War II, the Americano is a simple take on an Espresso, and loved all over the world, not just in the United States.

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Designed to resemble drip filter coffee, the Americano (sometimes called Caffe Americano) is quite simply a single or double Espresso, with twice as much filtered hot water added. A perfect Americano will have a layer of crema, with an intense taste and earthy flavour.

How to make it.

Although the Americano is a version of drip filter coffee derived from the Espresso, the correct balance of components is very important. An Americano is created by pulling one or two Espresso shots into a cup, then adding twice the amount of filtered hot water over the Espresso, creating a light crema. The result, a longer coffee beverage, preserving the Espresso character.

How to serve.

There are no strict rules on how to serve an Americano, it basically depends on the personal preference of desired strength. A large cup or coffee mug will be ideal to experience the perfect Americano.

Coffee fact.

The Americano was created during WWII in Italy by American soldiers who were used to drinking filtered coffee at home. They found the taste of Italian Espresso too intense and bitter, so to overcome this dilemma, they diluted their Espressos with water. The Americano was then introduced by coffee companies around the world.

The differences.

Long Black.

A Long Black is what they call an Americano in Australia and some other parts of the world. An Americano is created by pouring hot water over an Espresso shot, while a Long Black is an Espresso shot poured over the hot water. A similar result, however the crema is broken in a Long Black.

Café Crèma.

An Americano is simply a diluted shot of Espresso, while a Café Crèma is a long-brewed Espresso using coarser coffee grounds and the water is passed through the coffee using the Espresso brewing process.

Iced Americano.

As the name suggests, an iced Americano is created by combining Espresso with cold water instead of hot water.


Orange coffee.

Enjoy a coffee after your meal? Try incorporating it into your final course with this orange infused dessert.

Coffee facts.

Join us as we dive into the intricate world of coffee. Discover where it´s grown, how it´s made, what the ideal roasting methods are and everything in between.

The different coffee beans.

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Choose your perfect fully automatic espresso machine.

Who would have thought, the morning could be your favourite part of the day? Discover more about how the Siemens fully automatic espresso machines can make you love mornings with the ultimate Espresso, tailoured to your taste.