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Discover coffee brewing methods.

Unleash the flavours.

There is something very special about that moment when the invigorating aroma and flavour of roasted coffee beans is released by water.

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Correct brewing allows the best flavours of the coffee to be released quickly. There are several different brewing methods and each produces a different flavour, and a unique effect on the taste of the coffee. Discover the most popular methods of brewing coffee including brewing through pressure, steeping, filtration and boiling.

Brewing through pressure: Fully automatic espresso machine.

Fully automatic espresso machines combine the traditions of Espresso brewing with modern technology. There are many advantages – convenience, time, and a high skill level is not required to produce a strong, rich Espresso, at the touch of a button.

Brewing through pressure: Moka Pot.

Traditional Italian coffee making that has stood the test of time. The Moka Pot is a very simple and effective way to brew coffee, consisting of two chambers. Using a coarse grind, the taste and texture is not quite an Espresso shot, but is very sharp and strong.

Brewing through steeping: French Press.

An extremely low-maintenance method, the French Press immerses the coffee grounds, filtering them with a mesh sieve and plunger. If brewed correctly, the French Press will produce a smooth, aromatic, creamy-bodied coffee in around ten minutes. Be careful of the sediments at the bottom of the cup.

Brewing through steeping: Siphon Coffee.

With classic glass chambers and vacuum process, this is a very theatrical brewing method, and has remained unchanged since the 1800s. Siphoning is one of the purest ways to brew coffee, and requires considerable technique to perfect.

The coffee is clean and full of flavour, but is definitely not an instant Espresso shot.

Brewing through filtration: Hand Filtering.

It sounds very simple, grind fresh coffee and using a filter, pour hot water over the grounds and create a cup of coffee. It is not that easy, as you control every part of the process and different combinations of each variable will produce different results. The challenge is worth it, as you enjoy your individually crafted cup of coffee.

Brewing through boiling: Turkish Coffee.

An ancient custom, Turkish Coffee is quite easy to make, simply add finely ground coffee beans and sugar to water and bring to the boil in a traditional pot called a cezve. Traditionally, Turkish Coffee is served in delicate cups even smaller than Espresso cups. The flavour is as rich as the history.

Siemens Home Appliances Coffee World temperature and pressure display
Coffee temperature, time and pressure.

Discover how the brewing temperature, time and pressure can make such a difference when making the ultimate cup of coffee.

Siemens Home Appliances Coffee World different types of coffee
The different coffee types.

Learn the differences between coffee types, how to prepare them perfectly, and most importantly how to enjoy them.