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Discover the Flat White coffee.

The world is flat.

The exact origin may be in dispute, however there is no doubt the milk-based Espresso variation – the Flat White – is taking cafes around the world by storm.

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Was the Flat White created in Australia or New Zealand? The answer of course depends on if you are talking to an Aussie or a Kiwi, as both countries take credit for it. Regardless, a Flat White is not just a small Caffè Latte as is sometimes thought. A Flat White has one or two shots of Espresso with microfoamed milk creating the velvet texture, and the milk runs through the coffee. Unlike a Cappuccino or Caffè Latte, there is no froth top, explaining the “flat”.

Siemens Home Appliances Coffee World illustration for Flat White

How to make it.

A Flat White consists of 1/3 Espresso, 2/3 steamed milk, and microfoam.

To craft a textbook Flat White, the milk should be stretched with a wand steamer, to create texture without thick foam. Then dip the wand below the surface to create microfoam. Gently pour the milk over a single or double Espresso shot, so the crema floats to the top.

How to serve.

The perfect size cup for a Flat White is a 160 – 165 ml ceramic tulip-shaped cup with a saucer. The cup size is smaller than the size typically used for Cappuccinos or Cafè Lattes. Thick walls are preferable to retain the heat.

Coffee fact.

The Flat White provides a perfect canvas to create “Latte art”. While pouring the milk over the Espresso shot, ensure to keep the spout of the pitcher close to the surface, pouring into the middle of the cup. Make sure the milk drains first and finish with the foam to create the design. Different wrist movements will create different patterns and shapes.


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